Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Every day life dialogues

Me: "Pav, I'm gonna block the bathroom for the next half our or so."
He: "Really? What you're gonna do?"
Me: "Well, ... walk in and lock it from the inside basically."
- understanding nods on both sides -


SchnautzeJunge said...

Raff ich net!
Und warum bist Du nicht zuhause, wenn ich Dich anrufe? Immerhin ist heute ein Wochentag! (Und morgen auch)

scotspotter said...

Ich hab morgen die erste frei und verbrachte den Abend bei einem lustigen Spiel mit Menschen aus Amerika, England und obviously Paraguay.
Sorry, Hase. Ich hoffe du hattest einen guten Flug und ich ruf dich morgen nach der Arbeit an.

psychorach said...

gee! the question the lad asks... wasn't it kinda obvious???.. i think I need to pay him a visit and have one of our long joke-related conversation... whassda that you mentioned Paraguay there... no german!!!! me no comprende aleman, y'know!

scotspotter said...

Can't one have a private conversation with their spouse on the internet....?! When I said paraguay, guess who I was talking about...! Now what it was that I said, that will remain a secret...

psychorach said...

que mala onda que sos... sabes que yo ahora re te voy a vivir hablando en espanhol y ni te voy a decir que significa... mbore!!!!

scotspotter said...
