Thursday, February 09, 2006

Thursday morning, 10 am...

...and the guy with the hat strikes again.
I was entering school and once in the building turning right towards the concourse, when out of the janitors' wee box someone was shouting "Heeeey!!". "Not again", I thought and turned back to inquire as to the motivation of the shouter. When I faced the janitor he said "Oh, sorry, I thought you were a student." "Never mind", I said, "it happened before."
I don't know how, but apparently, my backside looks ten years younger then my face. Mh. Well...I guess in another twenty years, me and my toyboy will be drinking to that.


SchnautzeJunge said...

Auf jeden Fall sieht Deine Hinterseite (fast) so gut aus wie die vordere.
Das kann der Hausmeister aber gar nicht wissen, denn Du hattes ja Klamotten an.

enricolores said...


I.D.E.I.A.D.Z.M.E.P.Z.S.U.L.Z.B.: es lebe die monarchie!

scotspotter said...


fiel.kuhla said...

frau fleck
ich denke es ist an der zeit mal ein paar zeilen samt uns lisbeth zu basteln.

das wär so meine übersetzung dieses bullshits.

otherwise, i'm sending your and your poor boyfriend my loving thoughts

big, big granny hug