Thursday, October 09, 2008

Just in case you wondered and also to shut up my obnoxious aunts

He said he wanted to pop down to the bookshop and that's the last I saw of him...


kiki said...


scotspotter said...

Just kidding, Keeks. I'm still very much unmarried;)

scotspotter said...

You'd be surprised! Komma aufn Bier vorbei, dann gib's die ganze Geschichte... heheheheeeee!

nachnam said...

bier läuft! also vorbeikommen und bier und so. muss mal meine sekretärin fragen ob dies jahr noch was frei ist. melde mich. heiratsschwindelnd, B

kiki said...

he looks so sad and disappointed!

nachnam said...

he IS so sad and disappointed! he just wishes the bus would kickstart to end his miserable desaster. otherwise he would have to spend the rest of his sofar wonderfull live with that thing next to him. (people say it is a woman, but hey, take a look....)

scotspotter said...

Görngs, you're a riot! And as my friend Calvin once put it: your simian countenance suggests a heritage unusually rich in species diversity, Affekopp.