Friday, May 01, 2009

Life, the Universe and everything

Looking back, the last two years have been like a psychadelic limbo for me, bumping here and there, being completely disorientaded and not getting anywhere, nor knowing where I wanted to get to in the first place. And all this time I was trusting in the Universe to somehow set it right and show me the way.
And then all of a sudden, it went and did just that. Look what I've found:

And I'm not letting go anytime soon.
For the first time in YEARS, the future's not only bright, more importantly I can actually see it. It took me by surprise, but it seems like things are falling into place eventually. I will quit my job in summer in order to have more time for Uni and finally get the hell over with it and out of there. The days of my little crowded and claustrophobic flat will soon be over as well and maybe, who knows, by next year I will finally be something like a grown up person. With a steady job, a boyfriend with a company car and a flat that boasts enough rooms for one of them to be converted into a nursery one fine and distant day.

It all seems odd and I haven't really grasped the whole extend of it.
But I love it.
So thank you, Universe!


fiel.kuhla said...

WOW! Da krieg ich eine Gänsehaut vor Ehrfurcht und Mut!

weiter so, universe, so you'll eventually get around to my place maybe faster than two years, because i'm older?!

kiki said...

he looks german...