Wednesday, October 05, 2005

One of those days

Yesterday I met Corinna, my pre-predecessor of the room I live in. She studies in Freiburg and originally comes from Konschtanz (ja, richtig gelesen), also schonma gewonnen. She brought along Britta from Cuxhaven and the three of us bagan to establish good German traditions and culture...Vodka Ahoibrause galore!! The Li'l Ones (as I have come to call my anglo-russian/anglo-indian flatmates) were quite delighted and surprised by the strange bubbly warm feeling in their mouths, guts and, eventually, in their heads. I caught the event on camera... I myself refrained from drinking Ahoivodka, as "tomorrow is a school day". Actually I intended to go to bed once the others were on their way to the pub, but NOOOO, falsch gedacht. They literally dragged me along to the Bannerman's in Cowgate and I, despite the ever gnagging thought of having to teach kids at eight thirty in the morning, had a hell of a good time and was in bed about two this morning. ... ... Oh, boy, was I in trouble when the merciless alarmclock went off at half six! I finally managed to get out of bed and out of the house without forgetting anything important such as my notes or my trousers. Amit had promised to fix me breakfast...Hahahaha...yeah, men, wha'eva.
At the bus stop I met my bus stop enemy. He usually stands there at about the same time as me when I have to teach in first period. ... I hate him. He alsways smokes one fag after the other, sucking them as if he wanted to inhale a whole chicken farm through them, his mouth looking like a beak and the smoke always blowing...of my direction. This scenery creates a whole little aggression steam train in my throat so that I feel like bying spiky boots and kicking his arse like real hard!
I was late for my first class, (because I had to make one million gazillion photocopies beforehand) sounding like a drunkard, feeling like a drunkard and, yes, methinks also smelling like one. One of the first human sounds today was fourth year's Greg saying "Hahaaa, you have a hangover", which by the way I had not, thangyouberymudch, "I once had one, too." The boy has just turned fifteen. Oh boy!

1 comment:

scotspotter said...

Ja logeeeeeeeen!