Thursday, December 29, 2005

Berlin - a Christmas Fairytale

Someone up there must have dropped a huge bag of icing sugar or flour or Magnesia or cocaine or something. I like to think that it was Saint Peter or a tleast his stupid intern, but the local Newspaper (Der Tagesspiegel) tells me that it was indeed Tiefdruckgebiet Holger! The city looks like one of those lovely gingerbread houses decorated with Gummibärchen and lollipops and what have you, the sort of things WE never had because my mother just couldn't be bothered, but let's not talk about that.

Till deep in the night you can hear the screams of people racing down the hill in Viktoriapark on their sleds and I have to think back to Christmas 1984, when I got a Toboggan, a luvely nice red Toboggan for my birthday, which I loved a lot and which took me on extremely short rides, as we used to live in the valley of the Rhine, respectively extremely long and bold, sometimes almost fatal rides, or so it seemed to me, when I was staying with my granny, who lived on the top of a mountain in the Alpes.

Anyway, that was my Toboggan, my first ever ride (apart from my little blue bike, but that was used when I got it), and I sure wish it was with me now, because I want to go down the Viktoriapark hill screaming and yelling in the middle of the night, too! But there's no sled to be found here, as Jo broke his last year. Darn it. We haven't had that much snow in years and somehow I will get my hands on some go-down-the-snowy-hill-extremely-fast device in order to use it! In some way or other I will!
If you see a girl late at night, going up a hill with a black rubbish-bag in her hand... GO BUY HER A TOBOGGAN!!


fiel.kuhla said...


see you on the hill!


nachnam said...

Ey ohne Scheiß jetzte mal eben, da is gerade nen Auto rückwaerts am Fenster vorbei gefahren.

psychorach said...

un tobogan!!!
que lindo... aunque tobogan en castellano es slide... i mean, tobogan in spanish is slide. glad ur having fun lady. cheerio!

scotspotter said...

Ein sogenannter Bob, Frau Zwilling. Da sehen wir mal wieder, dass Calvin und Hobbes lesen viel lehrreicher ist, als landläufig angenommen... gelle.
Ich geh heut oder morgen Schlitten fahren mit der Tjane! Juhuu!
Miss Galeano Gimenez, I'm having great fun, I only fear that it's not good for me brains. The word most commonly used during the last days is Blutpopel. I will explain later and in private what that means. I know your stomach can take it...

SchnautzeJunge said...

Blood Booger

fiel.kuhla said...

how interesting that i don't know what the english word for popel is while schnautzejunge obviously does...
by the way, "and i say heyeyeyey i say hey what's going on". for once i do not envy greenasenvy for having the privilege to be on the sunny side up, knowing that tonight's night will be splattered with acoustic blutpopels.

"berlin - a golden state of exception"

SchnautzeJunge said...

Once again, reading Calvin and Hobbes saves the Day!
Or what did you guess, where I got the word Booger from?
Popel bei LEO

psychorach said...

i just saw calvin 6 hobbes mentioned and it reminded me of something that i've just forgotten... brains have been screwing around... hehehe... see ya soon lass