Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Times change

and that's why the Batmobile now looks like this:

Sad, innit? Well, we all must move with the times and sometimes even superheroes fall. In this case, one of them fell onto the pavement in front of a citizen's house, (let's call this citizen Johnny L.): THUD it went, or probably more like thud, due to our hero's lack in body weight.

It was a tiny wee bat, let's call him Flitzy, or, for the sake of yet another bad pun: Robin.
So there he lay, on the bat-pavement, his bat-wings crumbeled up around his bat-waste, screaming for help in what sounded like this:

One hour later (due to the bat-cave being mighty big and the mobile being parked awfy darn far away, Neukölln one could say):

Gotham City lies enveloped in night but the streets, skyscrapers and weird monumental statues are illuminated by a zillion lights (like every night); the BATMOBILE careens through the streets, taking every turn at breathtaking speed. In the cockpit: Batgirl and Alfred, united in sombre silence, faces only half visible by the blue light of the dashboard as Batgirl shifts into the next gear up, ever accelerating.

Time presses! But where is our winged, pointy eard super hero?
He lies in his bat-cardboardbox, struck down by some evil turn of fate, covered by the warming bat-newspaper, ever so often uttering a cry of bat-despair which sounds like someone scraping the ice from their windshield.

But wither goest thou, Batmobile? It is to the Tierklinik Zelendorf that the friends are heading. Will they make it in time? Flitzy Robin Batman's life hangs on a bat-thread.

They get onto the highway, pressed into their seats by the sheer force of the acceleration. After what seems an eternity they finally get to their safe haven, the Tierklinik. Engine running, they jump out of their seats and run towards the entrance (where they have to wait for about three minutes, as no-one seems to answer the door).

Finally there's a nurse and out of breath, Batgirl and Alfred hand the bat-box over to her. She takes it into her caring hands and with an urgent tone in her voice, she lets them know:

"Ich stell sie erst mal rein und wir kümmern uns dann später drum." Ok!

Will our hero survive the night? Will Gotham ever be the same place again if he witheres? Who will be there for the poor, the helpless, the powerless?

Only the night knows the answer...


SchnautzeJunge said...

Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, daß die Kleintierklinik sogar in Düppel ist.
(Nur um das Wort "Düppel" mal geschrieben zu sehen.)
Oertzenweg 19b!

animaldelmar said...

düppel war das besuchsparadies meiner kindheit. alle freunde meiner eltern, die gesetzte mittelklasse waren, haben dort häuschen gekauft. wir waren manchmal zu besuch (hat lange dahin gedauert und das mit den kinderpässen auf dem komischen laufband war auch spektakulär) und haben beim freiluftmuseumsdorf gespielt. tja.

ich hab die geschichte im übrigen nicht gerafft. es ist eine fledermaus vor johannesens haustür vom himmel gefallen?

johannes ist vom haus runtergefallen?


scotspotter said...

Batman ist vom Himmel gefallen, Johannes ist Alfred. Weisch. ;)