Having spent the morning in businesswoman mode, visualizing by means of nice clean merciless printouts all I still have to do, studywise, and do in the shortest possible time, I noticed the following things:
1) It's not even 10 a.m. and I've already been quite productive. Important mails have been written, the adressees including various secretaries, professors and the like, information has been obtained, knowledge gained and now I have a fully grown PLAN.
2) The enemy is in my grasp! Yes, I will be terribly busy for the next big fistful of months, but:
3) I can roundhouse kick that somebitch of a romanistic department inna face!
and, most pressingly on my mind:
4) I definitely need a new mouse for my PC, cause this one is driving me NUTS!!!
After all this work (both future and at hand), I am rewarding my racing mind with a picture of pure and blissful tranquility; maybe this one:
hübsch, nich wahr?
So, life ordered, important lessons learned, breathed deep and found utter determination.
And all that before breakfast. If that isn't a Chuck Norris start of the day, I don't know what is!
you know, you can just take the ball out of your mouse and give it a clean (and the inside part)
i meant to tell you, but i forgot
Yeah, right, thankye, smartypants. But maybe it just has to go after doing its work for about 34 years and maybe I can just invest 25 bucks to get a wireless optical one. Truth be told, I already did ;)
An I'm weeeeell pleased...!!;)
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