Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Die Schweine

ham mein Fahrrad geklaut.
Mehr kann dazu grade gar nich gesagt werden.
Ich bin jetz traurig und geh ins Bett.


kiki said...

how did your bike break?
did somebody hit you? that's the bit i didn't get...

scotspotter said...

No, these bastards nicked it from right in front of my house. But I'm cool; I'm probably buying a friend's bike and the universe will take care of those thieving somebitches, I know!

psychorach said...

sorry to hear bout your bike... when are you teaching me how to ride? tatters said you're going to cape wrath whitout me... mmm.. about the bike, vould it be karma? i wanna go too! buggers, I hate to be poor!

scotspotter said...

Lady, it's not my fault you live on a different continent, and neither is it my bike's. ;) But, if it gives you any comfort: I'm probably not going to Cape Wrath. I will go hiking and so won't make it all the way up there and anyway, what would I do there without your sorry ass??

Anonymous said...

poor bike, that's so unfair, now I understand why 'la vie est une chienne' partout sur terre...

nachnam said...

hey, whoever you are! don´t be sorry about olle Fleck ihm sein bike. I stole it, took it to the highest bridge in town and throw it in the deadly waves of river Spree. where it belongs.
why? because I can.

nachnam said...

....oh I forgot to tell, Ialso put it on fire!