Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Tuesday morning, 8. am

and I was just arriving in school, after freezing my bum off in the bus beause it is just freeeeeeeezing, and walking down the corridor on the ground floor of the Modern Languages wing of the building when I heard someone behind me yell:
"Hey you!!!!! ... The guy with the hat on."
I thought "Well, who's the poor devil being told off first thing in the morning THIS time?" when I realized that there was actually no one around wearing a hat. No one exept me, that is.
I turned around and politely asked "Are you talking to me?", with a this-is-gonna-be-fun expression on my face.
The yeller insisted "Yes, you, the guy with the hat!"
I took off my beautiful Saint Andrews Cross fleece hat that has been doing a great job keeping my head from falling off shock frosted during the last days. (Apparently and for no good reason, the kids are not allowed to wear hats in school. I wasnae aware of that, but obviously that was the reason for this nutter to shout at me.)
I smiled him in the face and said "Well, I'm not a guy. I'm not even a student (and I'd very much appreciate not being shouted at, shithead)!" Obviously I didn't say that last bit, because I, as opposed to others present at that moment, am such a well behaved and good girl.
I startled him enough anyway by turning from the student "guy with the hat on" into a non student woman in the matter of just a split second.
When I told him who I was he apologized to me very formally, but didn't bother to tell me his dear name.
I met the guy later in the staircase where he apologized again, asked my permission to introduce himself and told me that he had apologized to MrMillerHeadOfDepartment, too, God knows why.
And you know what? He still didn't tell me his name, despite me allowing him to do so.
And I will keep on wearing my beloved hat IN the building as long as I please. Call me a riot...

la Piece de Persistence


SchnautzeJunge said...

Geschlechterverwechslungen sind immer was peinliches. Für Verwechsler wie Verwechselten.

Ich für meinen Teil wurde früher viel zu oft für ein Mädchen gehalten. Mit schwerwiegenden Folgen für meine seelische Entwicklung.

scotspotter said...

wie?wat?death?furt? frank furt oder was?ich raff nix...

scotspotter said...

Achso FURT. Sags doch gleich.

fiel.kuhla said...

es lebe die revolution!
FRAU fleck, weiter so. und ich erzähl immer wieder gerne die geschichte von dem schulkollegen mit den wunderschönen langen, welligen haaren, der im zarten alter von 18 auf der schulbrücke eine packung always in die hand gedrückt bekam.


jahre später brach er sein bio studium ab und wurde nachrichtensprecher bei ndr (radio).


ich bitte um interpretationen!

mit den allerbesten und nassesten grüßen aus dem kalten aber gemütlichen wedding

eure betagte