Last Monday, I spent the entire day in Steglitz at my beloved work place with my beloved dafties, pulling off three blocks of three hours in a row and feeling fantastic at the same time (...not).
As I am a bit of a lazy bum and as three hours are a hell of a lot of time considering they were all "single" lessons (meaning I had to enterain only one kid at a time), I brought a radio play for the kids to enjoy and for me to have nothing to do for the time of 57:23 mins. As I was trying to do the same programme with all three of the kids (as some of them will take a second and third lesson during the holidays in some other constellation and I just HAVE to be a bit economical with my material), I spent three hours of the day listening to Disney's Aladdin. Three times. In a row. Over and over again.
This procedure would probably melt everybody's brain and that might explain why I was fourteen again all of a sudden. I was sitting there, listening to my politics teacher (Herr Burgert, wha' a jerk), respectively NOT listening to my politics teacher (he never told us anything worth knowing anyway, I'm still convinced after all those years. What a waste of time this guy was...!!), but slowly but surely sinking into my own little world, having my own little thoughts, being MILES away from this annoying self-absorbed dickhead in front of the class, dreaming away while covering little scraps of paper with hearts, flowers and know the sort.
"Was heißt denn 'drown'?", Tanja catapulted me back nto the now and here.
"'ertrinken'", I said and when I looked around, I discovered this little yellow scrap of paper lying on the desk in front of me, covered in wee hearts and flowers and suns.
It was a pathetic thing to behold! "Gee", I thought, "I haven't done this in years...!"
But actually, I can very mucho recommend this sort of time travel; it is so very pleasantly relaxing. Also I don't need to be worried about missing something the teacher says. I am the teacher now and I hardly ever say anything I don't already know in the first place.
2 comments: be a teacher you have to like, know things? guess i'm in the wrong field then, aye?
Well, I can honstly say you certainly DO know things. Whether anybody would want you to teach their kids those things is a completely different matter...;)
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