Tuesday, September 19, 2006

As time goes by ...(oder wie dieses eine Lied heißt)

(From left to right: the Organizer, ChocoCharline, Jonathan (French), Raqueloide, Jonathan (Swabian) and some German person I cannae remember the name of right now)

It was our first bank holiday off from school after having worked for only two weeks really when a person hereafter known as The Organizer had us all walking up Arthur in a late summer gale. 'T was then that I met two personae who should become fix entities in my life in Ediburgh.
One was carried by the other, a leather boud (meanwhile tragically deceased) Terere kit and said things like sluuu-ufrrp, the other was an even more talkative lady from the Kingdom of Farfaraway, I mean from the state of Paraguay, who said things like "Lemme jump his bones!". (Not on that particular day, that is, and OBVIOUSLY not referring to the Organizer, but on frequent occasions throughout the following year.)
That was a year ago to the day, I was told. So,



psychorach said...


Ekatu avisas un poco antes de poner online semejantes palabras... hotdamn!!!!

Nice to have MET YOU TOO!!!

Was it just a year ago? MAN! Same summer gale at the mo'... maybe there's a new Organizer and a bunch of followers including Jacques *cough* not french Jonathan *cough*

May we have many more!!!!!

scotspotter said...

Jaques, Jonathan, Gilles, Jean, 's all the same. (Dammit, I got to get my eyesight checked. Or my brain...)

Here's to your health, Lady!