Tonight I was working late, as one of my collegues gave everybody interested a coaching about dislexia. I had thought about taking the train this morning, but then I thought better
(or worse) of it and took my little racer bike. After the coaching it turned out that said collegue lives close by and that he would gladly give me a lift home in his car, an offer I had to refuse because I was there by bike, a much less alluring option for the way home. (Darrrn!)
Anyway, it was about half past nine and I was on my way home, when I almost ran over a fox. It had been sitting on the path and only saved itself by a daughty jump into the grass next to the S-Bahn track.
It was chewing.
It the dawned on me that I had disturbed this red coated fellow while it was having a mouse over for dinner. "It would have been mere justice if I had run you over", I thought "and that's what you get in life."
But then my mind stated racing. "That's not true, you know. Life is not just." And I started pondering ... because it IS true.
Life is not just.
Mouse dies, fox lives. Sabrina rides her bike through the cold, Töns (yes, that's really his name) cruises home warm and comfortably in his Astra. Life is not something where things are shared equally, because that's just the way life is. There is no justice.
I then got to think about owing people or being owed and it's the same thing there. Justice does not come into it, because it's all a matter of perspective. I was glad I hadn't run over the fox (and so was it I bet), because foxes are cute and cuddly. Feeling that people owe you does not necessarily mean they feel the same way, because the innate truth about perspective is that not everyone has the same as otherwise it wouldn't be perspective, it would just be ... I don't know ... spective probably.
So my mind raced away in a hurlyburly of thoughts as mixed up even as I write them down here and I raced along with it on my bike. I got home at a quarter to ten; cold, exhausted and awfully tired. My limbs are shaking because I didn't have time to eat anything proper today and now I am too tired, letting alone the fact that there is NOTHING to eat in the house whatsoever. I work one limb or another off during the week, don't heed my studies as much as I should in order to be able to pay my rent and have the occasional slice of Pizza and then I get home knackeder in the evening with no prospective of even a slice of Käsebrot.
Because life is not just.
And what do I do with that? Try to change the way of the world? I don't think so.
Become a cynic? Heavens, sometimes I think I already am.
But I'm still glad I didn't run over that fox. Whatever way the world is going; sometimes cute and cuddly is just the more convincing argument. Tells you a lot about life, I think.
Good fight, good night.
1 comment:
life is not just indeed. yet, get this: töns will die of heart fattening while you live another 14 years. and why? because he seated his arse in a car while you were working out. looking cute and cuddly never saves your life. and whereas here with us it may make life easier, it means shit in a context of child prostitution in asia or with kindersoldaten somewhere in africa. but the point is, we are here. and the other point is: ich find deine gedankengänge wundervoll. schreib mehr, meine süße. ich komme heute spät nach hause und ich hab auch fast nichts im haus. aber weisste was? das, was ich hab, gebe ich dir von herzen gern. kopf hoch und nen kuss!
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