You lovable anglophile people will probably know the story of Giant's Causeway. For everybody else: there's this lovely little place in the north east of Ireland, the spot closest to Scotland (on a clear day you can see the Argyll coast, or so they say...yeah, clear day, like that ever happens!), the coastline of which consists of myriads of octagonal basalt collumns. (Or something like it, damn, I'm not a bloomin' geologist.) Now funny shaped collumns alone don't make a causeway, but the fact that on the other side of the sea, on the west coast of Scotland, the geologically interested traveller can find just the same kind of collumns (forming the island of Staffa and the like), does.
Mythology has it, that in the dark years of the earth, before there were ferries, a Giant from Ireland built the causeway to fight a giant from (or should I say "fae") Scotland, destroying it (the causeway) on the way back so that the other one couldn't follow and also there was some kind of sexy mighty bosomed giantess involved, I cannae remember the details. Anyway, for some reason, the giant fom Ireland (let's call him the Green Giant) left his boot on the shore, as can be seen in my blog entry of 19. February.
And now we are actually getting to the point:
Knowing all this: FORGET ABOUT GIANT'S BOOT.
I actually found the Green Giant's nose, on the other side of the causeway on the island of Iona:
Or maybe it's the Tartan Giant's nose, bitten off in the fight. Who knows...
I remember somethin' aboot a 'fake green baby giant' too... or maybe that's just drunk people and not folklore... maybe green & tartan giants came before pink elephants (?)
What the heck did you have for breakfast? A vodka shot? Or maybe "Green Giant" processed peas...;)
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