Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Public Announcement

my "bringing-german-culture-to-unappreciative-little-kids" project is coming to an end, I only have two more days at school and tomorrow I'll have to hand in my laptop, as my boss Mr Miller (you know him by the name of Headofdepartment) apologetically announced today at lunchtime.
So I'll have to part with this stubborn, ugly little darling of mine, wich granted me access to the world, especially on Europe mainland, for the last nine months.
Which means that from now on, there's going to be no more pictures on my blog and entries will be rare and precious. Even more precious I mean. Also I won't be able to check my email as regularly any more, so in case you need to get in touch, you are going to have to pick up your bloody phones and give me a buzz, you unfaithful bunch of mutes!! Eherm. Sorry.
I promise though to spend heaps of both time and money in the Honey Pot, sipping hot tea respectively ice cold Appletizer and exploiting their free internet access and the not quite as free chicken tikka burgers and try to stay in touch that way.
I love you all; spread the word.

And now lean back and please enjoy the last couple of pictures of my beloves caledonia (huch, I should be a folk singer)...

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