Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Today, I briskly walked up to Mr Ian Miller, Head of Department, and asked him in a firm voice: "...ermm...about the laptop... ...? ... you told me I could borrow one from the school... . ...Ermmm, that would be just great." And he said: "Oh, yes, sure." And then he just walked into the next room and took a laptop out of an innocent looking drawer. And just handed it over to me. And I thought "Oh, that was simple, maybe I should ask for a Lamborghini next time." No, I didn't actaully think that, I'm thinking that right now. Damn. Anyway. I took the precious thing home and plugged it in. And I saw that it was good. Then I attempted to install the software for my magic camera. And it worked. And I saw that it was good. And then I tried to get into the internet, and after a little help from my own personal cricket expert (he goes by the name of Amit), that also worked. (Me: "Do you know what you're doing? He: "Nope.") And what can I say: I saw it was frickin' good! The only thing that is not good at all, is that I haven't managed to PUT SOME PICTURES ON THE FUCKING BLOG. Darn. It should give me the option of uploading pictures. But it doesn't. Well, I'll see to that.
By the way, the above mentioned Amit has already complained about insufficiently being represented in this blog. So beware! A detailed introduction of both the boys living here will follow, how did Dr Antonio (or who was it?) put it, in due course. You may start looking forward to that ... NOW.


fiel.kuhla said...

hey-ho dear ms flegg-o!
what do my sad and lonely eyes see this morning: lots of comments and mails and posts from the only inhabitant of scotland with not-straightened hair.
and what do i say: hooray! long live the scotspotter, reciting the bible as well as dr antonio. congratulations to the laptop and good luck with the lamborghini. maybe i should try that here, too. another "maybe" i can help you with the pictures, since i very recently had the same problem: so here it goes: you need login in, then go to "edit your profile" > "foto" > bottom of page "download now" > type in your details and the characters and "submit". it should download some more software of the name of hello/picasa (or so i think). once you have installed that, you "agree" and "install" and hopefully, you can open the "hello" program then and find your way through it. unfortunately, i can't install it here at my office. so, i'm looking forward to a picture of that amit fella.

oh, and thank you very much for your compassion, i really appreciate that!!!
don't let you flatmates get the upper hand, sure, they're only wee little babas and need to feel grown up by talking shite about people who actually are grown up :-)

hugs and kisses


scotspotter said...

Also ick hab dit jetz versucht mit die Photos. Det Problem is, dat det Laptop n bissschen schiddy is und manchmal nur die Haelfte der Seiten anzeigt und natuerlich dabei immer wichtige Information verschluckt. Vlei' muss ick ma mit die Cookies rumspielem, wa (Ich wuesste so gerne, was das heisst...). Aber wenigstens kann ick euch jetze so normal per email Photos schicken. Wer welche will, soll doch bitte bescheid sagen, there are plenty of 'em. Hugs! FF

fiel.kuhla said...

i want pictures!!!!
hab mich gerade doch glatt nochmal bei montag kommentiert, werde mich langsam bis zum heutigen tag vorarbeiten.
viel erfolg noch mit dem computern und ich hab ehrlich gesagt das gefuehl, dass die dinger gar keine maschinen sind, sondern auserirdische, die uns erst von sich abhaengig machen und dann tuechtig verarschen. meiner macht gerade gerne zur begruessung ein wetterleuchten, was mich in hellen (unfortunately literally!) aufruhr versetzt. fuck the system sag ich da nur.

have patience, just imagine, it's a five-year old trying to take the piss on you. in the end, he'll piss in his own pants. is the allegory to the laptop still there?

oh, i'm rambling on, i need my pills, i guess.
take care, i'll take a nap and dream of more horse shows...

big hug

your disturbed omma