Monday, February 06, 2006

Breaking News - bulletin


With the start of the Six Nations Cup, Murrayfield Stadium was sizzling again with a screaming crowd. Scotland enters this competition as an absolute underdog and yesterday, they warmly welcomed one of the best teams of Europe, France.
The Scots weren't expected to stand much of a chance against such a team, as up until the change of Manager a couple of monthes ago, they performed rather poorly recently, BUT: DAMMIT, THEY KICKED ASS!!!!!!
We (!) took the lead only a couple of minutes into the game and two minutes before the half time whistle, the score was Scooooootland: 20 - france: zilch! (vielzuvielscheissverein!)
The French (or Froggies as we lovingly call them) came on violently during the second half, but Scotland didn't give in to even the most ambitious attack. In the end, Scotland had scored 20 points, France 16. WHAT A GAME, MAN!!

My personal Man of the Match: Sean Lamont (right). What a dude! He can only be described with an astonished adoring: geil!

Zur Feier des Tages ging ich heute zu H&M und verprasste £ 54,94, hae-hae!


fiel.kuhla said...

frau flecki,

lang ist es her, aber ich bin wieder da und hab doch glatt deine februar einträge verpasst, weil ich den januar noch lesen musste (hab ich erwähnt, dass ich vermutlich der einzige mensch bin, der auch die zeitung von gestern und vorgestern und letzten monat noch liest? das muss der oma-streak in mir sein). jedenfalls congratulations to youse all fae winnin the match!!! funny enough your guy has got a french name, innit? well, good luck to the french, har har - please substitute the "l" in luck with an adequate letter that alliterates french.

by the way, your pictures (not only) of the forest are most adorable, and definitely support my wish to come over and discover more of scotland and its beauties (wink wink).

big thumbs up (celebrities always do that when they're photographed according to your boyfriend)
big hug


scotspotter said...

Dear Oma,
you are most welcome to explore Scotland's beauties with me. Just say the word and I'll pick you up from the airport anytime...

fiel.kuhla said...


thank you for the sweet offer! do you want apple filling or plum?

scotspotter said...

Errrm...gimme an apple anytime.