Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday morning, 11 am...

Today, I took the Second Years one step further into the mysterious realm of german grammer (brrrrr). Mr Campbell had written the day's schedule on the board, referring to me as "Assistentin" (which I am).
So, later on, Haylie asked me what the word meant and I told her that, just as the word "Assistent", it means "assistant".
I asked the kids "So, why am I an "Assistentin" and not an "Assistent", what do you think?"
Whereupon Conner (my personal nightmare) fixed me and, very calmly, replied:

"Because you don't have a penis."

Haylie began to scream histerically and asked me wether she should slap Connor for me.
Of course I told her she couldn't, as he was absolutely correct.

I love kids...


Anonymous said...

schön! ich musste sehr lachen, hier im sommerlichen wintergarten, in dem wir jetzt eine broadbandsuperstation installiert haben, gleich next to the cockroaches who like to tango on tuesday nights...

SchnautzeJunge said...

Ich gebe hier mal meine Shout Outs zu Sabrina, die die Einzige ist, die regelmäßg bloggt und uns damit immer wieder gut unterhält.

Und alle anderen: Nehmt Euch ein Beispiel und schämt Euch (ein bisschen).

Sich ein bisschen schämend: JO

scotspotter said...

Die Firma dankt
(wuerde mein Vati jezt sagen).