Monday, March 06, 2006

Call me Slideshow Bob

Lady Galeano Gimenez and I went to Stirling (the Stirling as in Pound Stirling) the other day. It is a nice place full of history as for example the battle of Bannockburn in 1314. King Robert the Bruce, William Wallace and Rob Roy all got a connection to Stirling.
And this is Stirling Castle:

There are many rooms, a real throne reception hall thingy, plenty of cobblestones and fantastic views.

Stirling wouldn't be Stirling without the Wallace Monument, which looks like that:

And guess who THAT is:

Mel Gibson! Fredoooooooooooooooooooooom! (I especially like the surplus head next to his left foot.)

The Wallace Monument sits on a hill and up there it was quite sunny:

But also really windy - and the evening brought quite a chill.

We held out all the same and watched this lovely nature spectacle: sunset over Gargunnock and, in fact, though you might not see it, Loch Lomond:

I really am into landscapes and that, so here's another one. Note the thistle-shaped bannister:

When dusk had come, we climbed down the hill and made our way back to town, crossing this 16. Century bridge that sits on the same spot as Stirling Bridge, as in the battle of that name ... another one of those William Wallace things, dont'cher know. (Again, that's the castle up on that hill in the background.)

And by nightfall ... it had grown dark - and the night covered Stirling in a thick black velvet cold.

It had been a beautiful but long day...


SchnautzeJunge said...

Was ich net raffe is ja:
Ist die Statue dem Mel nachempfunden oder der Mel der Statue?!
Und wer würde den Kampf Mann gegen Mann gewinnen, Mad Max oder William Wallace?!

animaldelmar said...

ich glaube, mad max. aber nur, weil der so bekloppt ist, dass er durch seinen reinen wahnsinn gewinnen wuerde. so ist das. auf verzogene kinder aufpassen ist uebrigens doof, bringt aber eine menge kohle. so ist das auch. es gruesst aus der ewig waehrenden sonne, die marieke

scotspotter said...

Jahaaa, verzogene Kinder, ich kannn ein Lied davon singen. Die dafuer jetzt aber auch eins von den Aerzten.
Uebrigens hab ich Kenny versprochen, dafuer zu sorgen, dass der William Wallace Stoff mal richtich verfilmt wird, weil, ich zitiere "what the national hero really did was even better".
So there you go.

psychorach said...

gud ol' mel! .. uh, william wallace?... or was it liam neeson? nah! rob roy was a wee man, aye?
... and you forgot to mention that servants in the gudoldeis used to drink a scottish pint a day (which equals 3 english pints)...hehehe... ka'u rapo desde siempre estos muchachos