Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Children of the night

OK, here's some retrospektive:
If there's one thing I didn't like about being in Scotland (if indeed such a thought was thinkable), it would be missing my friends. Sooo much. And at some point in February, I was seized by a formidable attack of homesickness. It subsided quickly, only to grow back again twice as strong during my last weeks in Edinburgh.
As sorry as I was to leave my beloved bens and glens (please note the absence of capital letters here), as joyful I was thinking of home, of the streets of Berlin and the counterfeits of my loved ones.
And now, behold: what I came back to, what I indeed lovingly call "home" and "normality":

Home, sweet home, Alabama...


SchnautzeJunge said...


Du hast die fliegenden Untertassen, sorry! ich meinte die fliegenden Teller, gar nicht erwähnt.

scotspotter said...

Kommt noch. Don't give everything away!