Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Le weekend bon(fire) - Part I

On Saturday, the whole of Great Britain celebrated the 400th anniversary of the hanging, drowning, quartering and then burning of Guy Fawkes (talk about holding a grudge, these people sure are unforgiving), who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament with 36 barrels of gunpowder in 1605. He failed and has been burned annualy ever since. People were busy buying firework equipment throughout the last two weeks or so. We had heard rumors about a big official bonfire on North Bridge, but were unable to find out the time. So Raquel, Francesca and me just met at my place and went to Arthur's Seat, where myriads of hobby pyromaniacs were having a party. It looked great and although we didtn't make it to the top (well, basically, we didn't try; too much effort), it was a really impressive sight. Matilda's batteries were giving in two minutes after we had reached Holyrood Park, but Rach helped me out and I took some nice goergens-style pictures with my magic little beloved camera.
With the smell of gunpowder and gasoline (!) still in our noses we then went to the girls' place (with a tiny trip to Ocean Terminal, as Lady Galeano was slightly unlucky with her choice of buses yesterday;)) and had a kind of spanish dominated house warming party, of which i somehow don't remember that much although I wasn't really drunk. Or was I?... I know I had some very delicious paraguayan dish and Strongbow by the bucket. I met another scottish guy (!!!), but I don't remember what he told me. Unfortunately I went home too early and I missed Andrea dancing his back to potato mash... That must have lookes awesome.
Anyway I walked home at about half two, arrived there at three and slept absolutely souuuundly. Like a dead stone.


SchnautzeJunge said...

May I add, that it is good tradition in Berlin to drive to Rathaus Steglitz and then go any place in the town from there. (i.e. esp. Wedding and Görlitzer Park)

scotspotter said...

Yeah-heah! A tradition I never really warmed to. But then, what can you do; I'm just a swebian.

fiel.kuhla said...

schnautzejunge und scottispotti,
ich wünsch euch einen schönen honigmond ohne regen und mit sonnenschein!

dat ömschn

psychorach said...

What a coincidence! I don't remember much of what happen on saturday nigh either. Must've been something we ate... or drank... my money is on the food!