Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sharpen your pitchf ... ears!

Here's another story by moi, the Queen of Uninteresting Anekdotes!
Last night I had a dream, in which I met a friend of a friend. I showed him around town and later, we went dancing. That's about all that happened, and although the dream was quite realistic, this is not generally speaking spectacular, I know. But for the fact that the person in question was in fact this guy:

And I don't mean somebody who looked like him, no, it was him. I pretended not to know him, just to wind him up and in order not to appear a groupie. Later that day (or was it night?), we compared our scottish accents. (I lost.)

Now what do I make of that? Just that:
I love brain movies!
Maybe in the sequal he'll be naked. You never know.
I think I'll go to sleep early tonight, just in case... ;)


SchnautzeJunge said...

D.h. also, wenn ich E. McG. mal im Traum begegnen sollte, dann klatscht'Et! Und zwar so richtig!
Ist der nicht sowieso verheiratet?

Und was heisst hier Brainmovie?! Ich hatte schon mal nen Traum mit Nachspann (interessanterweise auf Französisch)! Und St. Hand hat schon mal nach nem Traum ein Making Of davon gesehen...

scotspotter said...

Ich hab auch schon mal Spaghetti gegessen. Und Ewan auch. Aber nich Bolo, sondern mit haggis!
Genug dummes Geschwätz für heute.