it seems ages since we strolled along in sunny Aberdeenshire where it was rather cloudy. But behold: like a token from a time lost in the mist of .. well, time, I just set eyes on these pictures taken on our last trip to the scottish countryside:
Because you see, I've BEEN in the sea when I was in Scotland, just as I had planned... and how good and gracious I looked, like the starlight descending from heaven itself and falling on the sparkling water of the well at the end of the world. But see for yourselves:
Ahhh, welch Grazie! Welch pantherhafte Agilität...! Und nein, ich hau mich nich grade auf die Fresse, ich kick es wie Beck.. lassnwerdas.
MAN! you really sure do know how to BS and take 4 millions of years to describe the pictures... 'rach&I in da wa'er' or 'kicking it' just wont do for ya, aye?
No way!
bonjour! sieht gut aus. gleich gibts feuerwerk am hudson river. da freue ich mich drauf. schuess!
mach fotos und zeig!
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