Sunday, August 27, 2006

A year ago to the day,

almost to the hour, I sat at Jamie Bollands breakfast table after spending my first Scotland night. Many more were to follow and my mind's eye was gazing out in impatient expectation of the events wich were to be thrown my way.

A year has passed since. I met wonderful new people, made new friends and learned a lot about myself and about teaching. I am now able to swear in Scots. At pupils if need must. I am no longer intimidated by my choice of profession. For that and many more things, I thank ye, Caledonia.
I'll keep an eye on you!


psychorach said...

cannae say much, aye? my feelings exactly... te quiero boluda!!!

animaldelmar said...

ich find dich auch geil. und dass du auf schottisch schimpfen kannst, verdient meine hochachtung. ich kann auf spanisch nicht wirklich fluchen. vielleicht kann ich ja mit der lady einen fernfluchkurs aufmachen?