Saturday, October 29, 2005

That's it...

...I must be positively completely and irrevocably insane.
I went to bed at about four o'clock this morning, after coming back from Emma's and leaving Pav in the kitchen armchair to fall alseep there. (It must have looked really awkward, the boy is about two metres tall.) Anyways, this morning at nine I got a phonecall from a very excited Rach, screaming on the other end "I found them, it's on, it's on! On saturdays at nine and again at ten, I found them, aahahahahahahaaa!!" I'slikewhaaaaaaad? and it took some time for my tortured brain to understand that Rach had finally achieved to find the Gilmore Girls on tele, a task we had appointed for her about a week ago when it was clear that she would have cable TV. Before I even processed this information, I heard myself say "I'll be right there." ... my place - her place...half an hour walk...which I had to do as I had forgottenmyridacardOFCOURSE! So I kinda sleepwalked to Leith Walk (hey das reimt sich), only to, on crossing the threshold, be given the news "...oh, it's actually the old season."
I don't need to say we watched it anyway.
So I had an early morning breakfast on over-sugared tea and McVitties milk chocolate digestives. And that's how all my saturday mornings will look as long as there's cable tv in 76 Brunswick Street.
Sabrina Fleck, Edinburgh, for Real Radio.

1 comment:

psychorach said...

YEAH MAN!!!!!!!